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Writers’ Group Hold Open Mic Night

A local group, Tyne and Esk Writers’ Penicuik, are holding an Open Mic Night to encourage the community to get writing.

The event, held between 7 and 9pm on Thursday 25 June in Penicuik Library is open to all.

The group says:

Do you have a story to tell? Do you need confidence and encouragement to get words on the page? Tyne and Esk Writers Penicuik Group may be able to help you! We are having an Open Mic night on Thursday 25 June at Penicuik Library between 7 and 9pm, where you can share your story or listen as others share their stories. Find out more about us and how we can encourage you to  go from thoughts in your head to words on the page. Penicuik Library Thursday 25 June 7 to 9pm for the Open Mic night, regular group meetings every second Thursday from the 25th in Penicuik Library 7 to 9pm.

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