Police Scotland issue letter warning public to protect their homes after a spate of housebreakings.
At approximately 6 am on Friday morning (3/10), at least 4 men, with a car, were disturbed at the end of the cul-de-sac in Mauricewood Avenue, Penicuik. It is believed that the group were about to try to steal a bicycle attached to the back of a car.
Once disturbed the men hastily got back into their car and sped back up the Avenue and turned down Mauricewood Road towards the A701. Police officers were on the scene within 5 minutes.
The police stated that this was the second call-out to the Mauricewood area during the night, the first being at about 1:30 am, when men were disturbed in somebody’s back garden in Mauricewood Rise. It has now emerged that the assailants also entered a property on Mauricewood Avenue, where they made off with a set of car keys. This incident took place somewhere between 12:30 and 3am, highlighting that the same group of individuals may have been active in the area for a prolonged period overnight.
Since the incidents on Friday, similar housebreakings have occurred throughout Penicuik. In the evening of Saturday 4th, a young male, described as skinny, sallow, dark haired and clothed in a hoody, broke into a communal shed and garage off Kirkhill Road. It is unknown whether the events are connected.
In response to the housebreakings, Police Scotland have issued a letter to residents warning them that they may need to assess, and upgrade, their crime prevention measures. They are also appealing to the public for information. Should you have any information relating to these incidents between the first and fourth of October, get in touch with the Police using the non-emergency number, 101.

Have you been affected? Get in touch by emailing Hello@PenicuikCuckoo.co.uk, or for other contact methods follow the link here.
Chris Durnick Reports.