It’s that time of year again when the local public are treated to creative and elaborate firework displays. Here is where and when you can find them.
Sunday 2 November – Howgate
The first firework display comes courtesy of Howgate Community Council. The annual display will take place on the 2 November this year with the bonfire being lit at 5pm. Tickets cost £6 for adults, £4 for children and under threes go free. Included in the ticket is either a hot pie, hot dog or bowl of soup (Yum). Tickets are available to purchase at the gate. Interested? View the full details, including a location map, here.
Friday 7 November – Loanhead
Loanhead’s annual community firework display will be held in Memorial Park, as usual. Gates open at 6pm and a pipe band will keep you entertained until the display begins at 6:45pm. Glow products (sticks, necklaces etc.) will be available from a stall in the park, whilst refreshments will be available to purchase from the church hall. Entry is free. It should be noted that, for safety, entrance will only be permitted to the park from Park Crescent after 6:45pm.
Saturday 8 November – Glencorse
This is a first for the new community centre. They are promising to put on a good family friendly knees-up with a bonfire and fireworks display. Best of all? Entry is free! However refreshments will be charged for. No doubt they’ll be homemade and very reasonably priced. The bonfire will be lit at 6:30pm with the fireworks display will commence at 7pm. More info and a map here.
Saturday 8 November – Peebles (okay it isn’t Penicuik but it’s not that far away)
Peebles’ annual firework display definitely promises to excite. Taking place in the town’s Victoria Park, the bonfire will be lit at 7pm with the fireworks starting at 7:30pm. Entry is by donation with funds going towards local charities.
Penicuik YMCA Ceilidh
It’s not a fireworks display but it needs to be mentioned. A ceilidh is to be held in the YMCA hub on Queensway. With music from The Gordon Clark Dance Band and Friends and a buffet, it too promises to be great family fun. There will also be a bar, raffle and whisky curling (I’m intrigued too). Tickets cost £8 for adults, £5 for children and £20 for a family of four. These must be purchased in advance from the Queensway hub. More info here.