Help Clean Up Penicuik this Saturday

Penicuik’s worsening litter problem is set to meet its match this weekend as a community litter pick gets underway.

This Saturday (3 May) in Lowrie’s Den, in the south West of Penicuik, a litter pick is to be held to help quash the growing litter problem in the town.

It would usually be part of a series of cleanups, however this year sees only one litter pick after the public’s support dropped dramatically, with only three locals turning up to one of the planned events last year. The local resident running the litter picks, Chris Leavy, said that despite a drop in support he was keen to see a resurgence in the number of locals committing a few hours to keeping their town tidy.

Lowrie’s Den, near the Penicuik Estate, frequently sees problems with people dropping litter and is often home to flytipping. Despite carrying a £60 fine, littering seems to be on the rise in Penicuik, as mentioned in our opinion article about the state of Beeslack Woods, which is available to view here.

Penicuik is lucky to have many hectares of woodland, however this does mean that it is only so much more difficult to keep the area litter free.

If you have a couple of hours to spare, please join the Lowrie’s Den litter pick on Saturday 3 May. Attendees are asked to meet in the neighbouring car park at Lowrie’s Den at 9:30AM. Equipment will be provided and we are informed that the BBC may also be around to film some of the event.

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