Candidate Profile: Stephen Blain

Hello, I am Stephen Blain. I am standing as your local labour candidate for Midlothian West. I think it is important that you should vote. It is after all your vote, your choice, your voice so vote Stephen Blain, vote local, vote Labour.

Your local council is your voice, I believe my priorities should be if you choose to elect me to promote community cohesion. I will be your community champion, I will encourage  community groups and community councils to work together. I was very impressed recently by an article in the ‘Edinburgh Evening News’ featuring the group ‘Leither’s don’t Litter’.  These local heroes actively clean up their local area on a regular basis and in the process foiled crime by finding and recovering a stolen Motorbike. I will encourage such groups to flourish in our beautiful towns and villages.

My manifesto pledges would along with the Labour group to bring back appropriate levels of funding,  so we can provide again the Midlothian Community Action Police Teams. Up and till recently when funding was withdrawn by the SNP council led administration supported by Scottish Greens these officers operated on the front line in Midlothian. They disrupted and prevented some low level crime and anti social behaviour. They liaised with youth to keep them on the right side of the law and our communities.

The new houses that are being built in our communities, is putting too much pressure on our roads infrastructure, schools and medical practices. More and more our medical Practices are refusing to register new patients and you can wait an unacceptably long time to see a Doctor or pick up a prescription. I will be your voice to raise concerns with the Scottish Government to influence them to acknowledge the fact that there is a GP crisis and encourage them to address this issue meaningfully.

Along with our labour group colleagues we will bring back the Community Action Police Teams. We pledge to build sustainably 1000 council houses to house the most in need. We will do this sensibly and ensure that it does not adversely affect the standard  of teaching and class sizes, the service we give to our children our most precious possession. I will consult Midlothian Integrated Joint Boards along with my councillor colleagues before giving assent to new private building projects there must be the appropriate provision in place or planned for before these projects go ahead.

Buses need to be reregulated. Bus companies should bid for a bundle of routes Some less profitable, less attractive to them but crucially providing a social use and not leaving our elderly and vulnerable behind. I will robustly call for the extension of the 31 bus service to Rosewell I will make a compelling case to Lothian transport and others for a viable bus service to Auchendinny.

All public services are essential this includes public toilets, and services to prevent dog fouling. I will be your loud voice on council i will call for people who allow their dogs in our beautiful county without clearing it up to be prosecuted to the extent the law allows, that is only fair on others in our community again our children who are at risk through playing in such a dirty environment. I will champion community services such as the Public Library in Roslin. The library had a reprieve last year but it is still under threat, education conducted informally in a hard working persons own time as provided by access to a good library is of incalculable benefit to an individual. It enriches us all in our society when someone educates themselves.

So, on may 4th ,when you find yourself in the privacy of the polling booth please put number 1 against Stephen Blain, Scottish Labour. You will be electing a community champion someone who cares about Midlothian who is equally affected by what decisions are made on behalf of Midlothian. Chose, a strong, local champion. Vote Local Vote Labour. Please above all else, Vote. Thank you.

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